Cambo WRC-400 Camera Body with Tripod Mounting Block
Here is the perfect portable solution for high-quality medium format digital imaging. The Wide Compact is ideal for photographers who want to travel as light as possible but still be able to produce the highest quality images.
While the Wide Compact offers image-placement control movements, these will be by choice of orientation of the camera.
This results in an even smaller and lighter version of the Cambo Wide series. The Wide Compact body has the same accessory system support on all four sides, each accepting either one or two handgrips, a tripod mount, viewfinder, iPhone holder or the WRS-1090 Compendium.
The Wide Compact body accepts Hasselblad, MamiyaLeaf, Phase One and Sinar digital backs. Mounts are available for digital backs with Hasselblad V-series and H-series interface, as well as PhaseOne/Mamiya 645DF, Contax 645AF, Leaf AFi and Sinar HY6. It also accepts the full range of WDS lens panels that incorporate the Schneider Digitar and Rodenstock Digaron lenses. Choose from focal lengths ranging from 23mm up to 150mm and more on request.
The combination of perspective control, Cambo's optional tilt/swing lenspanels and stitching possibilties provide the photographer with a wealth of possibilities with this small and lightweight camera platform.
The Wide Compact can be used on a tripod or handheld for more spontaneous shooting situations. It also features six built-in spirit levels, an accelerated gear drive for the movements, cable release, optional accessory shoes for viewfinders or an iPhone holder and hooks for a neck strap. The tripod mount has 3/8" and 1/4" thread.
Cambo WRC-400 Camera Body Features-
Small size 120 x 145mm (W x H) excl. handgrips and tripod mount
Lightweight only 0.5 kgs (excl. lens, excl.handgrip, excl. tripod mount)
Stitching possibilities (2-way)
Milimeter scales for movements
Movement indicators on rear sides
Compatible with WDS and Wide RS
Option for handgrips for steady holding
6 spirit levels visible from top or bottom
Accessory mount for 2 point fixed accessories 4-sided
Broad range of optics
Retrofitting of user lenses offered